Be coached and lead from your own transformation!

My name is Jon Hand. I am a Transformational Coach.

I live in Welland Ontario with my wife Aimee. We have three teenage / young adult children. Over the last 25 years I’ve been a pastor, leadership development consultant, business entrepreneur, educator, denominational leader, and movement leader.

My life’s vocation is to help equip, challenge, and inspire leaders to lead out of their own transformation. In 2016, I co-founded a unique approach for developing leaders called called Transformational Coaching that teaches spiritual formation and leadership development approaches through coaching postures, skills, and mindsets. Learn more about Transformational Coaching from the home page of this website.

Adjacent to my leadership development work, pastoral ministry, business entrepreneurship I’ve spent the last 10 years coaching Christian leaders across Canada, US, and the UK in a unique year-long Soul Coaching journey that blends spiritual formation, the best of neuroscience, and emotional integration to help leaders lead from their own transformation. I’m a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation.

In addition to coaching, I’m a movement leader serving on the Core Leadership Team of Jesus Collective (, an international relational network of churches and leaders seeking to advance a more hopeful Christianity by seeking to keep Jesus at the center. I give leadership to the Leadership Formation / Development aspects of Jesus Collective in addition to other areas of influence and oversight.

The greatest gift you can give those you love and lead is when you lead from your own transformation. I look forward to the opportunity to journey with you as a leader to help you lead from a transformational and more impactful place.

Jon Hand MDiv., PCC

Does my story connect with parts of your story?

In 2012 I had a nervous breakdown and leadership burnout that changed my life and set me on a new transformational trajectory. I share my story in this talk from 2016 and believe it might resonate with you. The pain, confusion, and humiliation of this season of my life forged a new vocation. Today, I use everything I learned from that season and beyond to inspire, challenge, and equip leaders like you to transform your leadership from the inside out so that you are leading from your own transformation.

Jon’s Coaching Approaches

The following is like a menu of the types of coaching approaches and modalities I offer. All of my coaching is rooted in a model I used called S.P.I.R.E. SPIRE is the integration of spiritual, physical (bodily), intellectual, relational, and emotional aspects of thriving as image bearers of the Divine.

All of my coaching integrates the best of neuroscience and spiritual formation infused into a coaching model / developmental approach.

My people
I work best with business, non-profit, and church leaders who are eager to thrive and ready to do the work to grow through their next growth barriers and lead from their own transformation.

I specialize in leaders who are transitioning through decade life-transition phases such as the Mid-Thirties Wall, the Forties-Pivot phase, preparing for leadership transition, and retirement.

My impact
My clients see themselves more clearly and live on purpose out of who they are and whose they are. This clarity, freedom, and intentionality means leaders are more integrated. Integrated leaders are courageously present and alive to themselves, others, and the Divine. This results in having greater influence, margin, creativity, and impact.

My coaching approaches

  • This is a year-long journey we go on in a soul coaching relationship. I learn your story and we identify the ways you want to grow and need to deepen spiritual, emotionally, and psychologically as a leader. I use the S.P.I.R.E model (Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Relational, Emotional) to help you grow the 5 essential aspects of thriving as a being made in God’s image.

    I curate books, podcasts, spiritual practices and tools for you to learn and experience new ways of being / living. We meet monthly to debrief and discern spiritual practices and reshape shame or other unhelpful narratives that hold you back from living fully in the ways you desire. We take this journey for a year with an option for a second year.

    If you’ve done the work, you will be deeper, freer, wiser, and more connected to yourself and Jesus. The hope is that you will experiencing aspects of transformation in expected and very unexpected ways. I make myself available to you any time between our monthly meetings to process things as they come up.

    This is a bit of a deeper route and is for those who are ready for some deeper transformational work. This is like the Transformational Coaching option, but goes deeper, takes more time, and loads you up with tools and resources for you to go further over the course of a year.

    Sessions are 90 minutes

  • This type of coaching has some elements of my soul coaching approach. Imagine me being like a workout trainer for your inner life leading to greater spiritual/ emotional / psychological transformational.

    You come to the table with goals of how you are wanting to transcend a growth barrier personally or professionally. We work on ways of understanding what is happening deeper in your soul and respond to the invitations of Jesus to pursue growth, healing, and Jesusy transformation in the ways you identify are important and vital to your life and leadership.

    The greatest gift you give those you love and lead is your own transformation.

    Session are 60 minutes

  • This coaching is done in three parts. We start by evaluating your present fit with your current responsibilities and how your present role is working for you?

    Second, I curate tools to help you assess and gain feedback on your superpowers. This includes mining your life story, experiences, and areas of passion for clues help you discover / recover vocational clarity.

    We all have a unique message, mission, and persons that God and our lives have conspired to make us effective and impactful with. This process zooms out to sharpen who that might be.

    Thirdly, we return to apply what you have learned to your present role to better align with your superpower and impact.

    Sessions are 60-90 minutes

  • This is less my input and more like me holding a mirror up to your life / challenges so that you can see more clearly and move forward in an aspect of your life, either personally or professionally.

    This mode of coaching is best for areas of challenge, impasse, unclarity, or transitions. This coaching helps you pull out the clarity you need from your implicit and explicit knowledge of yourself, your situation, and the bold steps God is inviting you to walk into.

    This coaching is best is you are in a season of facing some unique challenge or barriers that are holding you back from moving forward with clarity, courage, or confidence.

    Sessions are 60 minutes

Intrigued? Contact Jon to set up a 45 min. exploration Zoom meet up (no cost).